JAKARTA When holding the Huawei Developer Conference (HDC) 2023 at the end of last year, Huawei announced that they would switch to the NEXT HarmonyOS operating system that was detached from Android. Not long ago, quoted from 9to5google, Huawei said that they would use HarmonyOS NEXT completely so that support for Android applications would be lost. This shows that Huawei will be completely detached from Android. Since the NEXT HarmonyOS was introduced, Huawei has actually continued to urge developers to create versions of their applications in such operating systems. The reason is, developers must use a new compatible application format. Not only that, Huawei will also get rid of the Android Source Project (AOSP) codebase in its latest operating system. Based on a GizmoChina report, Huawei wants to use a fully independent and detached architecture from Android.

By disposing of AOSP, HarmonyOS NEXT is claimed to have increased performance by 30 percent and decreased power consumption by up to 20 percent. Huawei also plans to use Huawei Intelligence which presents Artificial Intelligence (AI) features. Various features that will be added to Huawei Intelligence are image creation, voice improvement, image-to- audio description for visually impaired users, third-party application capabilities in utilizing AI, and others. Although the presence of HarmonyOS NEXT has been mentioned since last year, Huawei has not disclosed its launch date. Currently HarmonyOS NEXT is already available in beta testing so its operating system may be released in the fourth quarter of this year.

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