JAKARTA Calculator is one of the applications that iPad users have been waiting for a lot. Although Apple has been rolling out the iPad since 2010, it still doesn't have a built-in calculator application. With this shortcoming, users have had to download a calculator application from third parties on the App Store. However, in the near future, users don't need to download the application from other developers because Apple will launch it. Through the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWWDC) 2024, annual events for developers, Apple announced that they already made a calculator for the iPad. This application will be available once the iPadOS 18 is launched. Actually, the appearance of the calculator application on iPadOS and iOS is not much different at first glance. However, once attempted, users will realize that the calculator application for the iPad is specifically designed. This application gets Apple Pencil support and can work on math issues easily. Users only need to write down math issues using Apple Pencil and Apple Math Notes features will provide answers. "They can also give value to variables when studying new concepts in class, calculating budgets, and more," Apple said in its official statement. "Math Notes can be accessed automatically in the Notes application in the new Math Notes folder."

Meanwhile, just like other calculator applications, the calculator on the iPad can work on simple calculations and access previous calculation history. This application can also calculate the length, weight, currency, and others conversions. The presence of a calculator on the iPad is not surprising news because rumors about this application have appeared since last April. For now, users still have to use a calculator from third to Apple launching the iPadOS 18.

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