JAKARTA - Kraken, one of the most prominent crypto exchanges in the United States, is preparing for the next big step. With an ambitious plan to raise around 100 million US Dollars (around Rp1.6 trillion) ahead of their initial public offering (IPO), Kraken shows the courage and long-term vision in the dynamic crypto ecosystem. A recent report from Bloomberg, asserting that Kraken has ambitions to complete this fundraising before the end of 2024, marking a new era for the company.

Menurut informasi U.Today, pada tahun 2022, Kraken memiliki rencana untuk go public melalui merger dengan perusahaan akuisisi tujuan khusus (SPAC), mengikuti jejak Coinbase yang sukses melantai di Nasdaq. Namun, rencana tersebut harus ditunda karena penurunan pasar yang signifikan, termasuk krisis FTX yang mengguncang pasar kripto pada November 2022, dengan harga Bitcoin penjlok hingga 16,000 Dollar AS (sekitar Rp259 juta).

Nonetheless, improving crypto market conditions in March, with Bitcoin hitting an all-time high of 73,737 US Dollars (approximately IDR 1.19 billion), provided new hope for Kraken which is expected to generate revenue of 2 billion US Dollars (approximately IDR 32.3 trillion) this year.






However, Kraken's IPO plans cannot be separated from challenges, especially from the legal side. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken legal action against Kraken last year, on charges of operations as an unregistered securities exchange. Kraken, firmly, filed a request to reject the SEC's lawsuit in February, arguing that most cryptocurrencies are not securities and accusing regulators of trying to expand its jurisdiction.

With the legal challenges faced and ambitious fundraising plans, Kraken remains optimistic and committed to continuing to grow. The move demonstrates the resilience and adaptation of the crypto industry, which continues to look for new opportunities despite challenges and regulatory uncertainties.

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