JAKARTA - Ballistic Moon developer and PlayStation PC publisher LLC announced that the Until Dawn Remaster game will be rolling out around this fall for PC and PlayStation.

The remaster of this latest narrative horror game is claimed to have a much better view in terms of visuals in the game and other improvements.

Developed on Unreal Engine 5, the new trailer released by the developer features a much better lighting, texture, environment, shadow, and frame rate.

Not only that, character animation is also improved, with more contextual moves added. Some new features include a third-person camera, a new interaction. There is also a new collection to pursue and even some new interactions.

Ballistic Moon also promises reshuffled voice effects, with Mark Korven providing a new soundtrack. However, there are no other details regarding this game.

To be sure, Until Dawn is a narrative horror survival game, where every choice of action by players can have other consequences in the future in the story.

Throughout the game, players will make difficult decisions during ethical and moral dilemmas. Choices can lead to intense scenes of violence and gores that may include characters falling to their deaths, and other adventures.

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