JAKARTA - Pengembang Pugstorm telah mengumumkan bahwa gimnya yang berjudul Core Keeper yang saat ini bekerja baik di akses awal, sedang dalam perjalanan untuk dirilis secara penuh pada tanggal 27 Agustus.

This full release was also released in conjunction with the 1.0 update, featuring major updates with new life quality content, features, and improvements, and so on.

"Finally it's time for us to announce update date 1.0 and launch of our console. Early Access so far has been a great experience for us as developers," the developer said in an announcement on Steam.

Not much has been shared, but developers say that players can expect all kinds of joy, including a new and unique way of playing as well as how to customize the game.

"Whether you've just started an underground adventure or been with us since day one, we're very grateful for joining us on this amazing journey," said mikil Thole, COO Pugstorm.

Thole also added, We are very happy to be able to immediately provide you with a complete Core Keeper experience, and we can't wait for you to know all the small details we have saved for 1.0

Selain itu, Pugstorm juga masih memiliki update lain yang rencananya akan dirilis pada Peson ini. Tapi sekarang, mereka masih akan fokus pada performa dan perbaikan bug untuk memastikan gim berada dalam kondisi yang menyenangkan sebelum peluncuran penuhnya.

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