JAKARTA - Since launching the App Store in 2008, Apple has continued to develop and invest in technology to provide users with the safest experience in downloading apps.
Every day, the entire team at Apple monitors and investigates various fraudulent activities on the App Store and uses advanced technology to get rid of criminals and help strengthen the App Store ecosystem.
In 2023, Apple admits that it has succeeded in preventing transactions with a total of US$1.8 billion (Rp27 trillion). Meanwhile, within 2020-2023, Apple managed to prevent transactions with a total value of more than US$7 billion or equivalent to Rp112 trillion.
In addition, in the same period, Apple has managed to block more than 14 million stolen credit cards and more than 3.3 million accounts from being able to make transactions again.
Not only that, Apple has developed a reliable system to quickly and effectively delete accounts of customers and developers who commit fraud, in order to prevent these individuals from tricking users.
In 2023, Apple dismissed nearly 118,000 developer accounts, reduced from 428,000 stops in the previous year.
In addition, more than 91,000 developer registrations were rejected on suspicion of fraud and were prohibited from registering their applications with the App Store.
Dangerous activity also occurs in the application review column. Where many fake or even bot accounts are aimed at spam and manipulating app reviews and ratings.
Fortunately, thanks to Apple's efforts, by 2023, Apple has canceled the creation of more than 153 million customer accounts that cheat and deactivate nearly 374 million accounts for fraud and abuse reasons.
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