JAKARTA - Director General of Information and Public Communication at the Ministry of Communication and Information Usman Kansong said that preparations for the 10th World Water Forum which will take place in Bali have reached 50-60 percent.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics itself has two main tasks in this international event, including preparing telecommunication infrastructure, four event infrastructure and media centers, as well as preparing materials to be discussed.

Tidak lupa, untuk menjaga keamanan siber selama acara berlangsung mulai 18-25 Mei mendatang, Kominfo telah berkoordinasi dengan Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN), seperti yang telah dilakukan di event-event internasional sebelumnya.

"We are working with BSSN and in Kominfo there is PDSI (Informatics Facilities Center). So we do it every international event, at G-20, at AIS it is the same. Even BSSN and PDSI friends hang out there during the event," said Usman on Friday, May 3.

Because based on previous experience, the government received many cyber attacks that tried to interfere with the event. Thus, the presence of BSSN and PDSI is very much needed

"I've been shown at G-20 'nih, are there people playing with our websites'. And sometimes these hackers have a motive to tell if there is, it's just fun, existence. But we anticipate all the motives," he continued.

Usman also targets that all infrastructure preparations for the 10th WWF can be completed in the next two weeks. Including the beautification of the venue and the place where WWF participants will visit, namely in Jatiluwih.

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