After IOS, European Commission Sets IPadOS As 'Gateeeper'
IPadOS is a GTeeper (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA For nearly eight months, the European Commission investigated the iPad to determine whether the device has a strong market. Once investigated, the iPadOS is now classified as a gateway service.Gatekeeper is a term given to large companies to prevent anti-competitive practices or prevent market monopoly attempts. The entiregatekee must comply with the Digital Market Act (DMA) in the European Union. The determination of the iPadOS as a gateway was announced on Monday, April 29. Through the institution's official website, the European Commission stated that the iPadOS deserves to be categorized as a GTekeeper because its devices and systems are important for business players. "Apple has a strong and long-lasting position with respect to the iPadOS. Apple now has six months to ensure full compliance with DMA obligations as applied to iPadOS," explained the European Commission.

The iPadOS market investigation was carried out in September last year, on the same day the European Commission designated iOS as a GTeeper. In fact, the iPadOS does not meet the quantitative threshold, but features in it are considered by the European Commission. There are three factors that make iPadOS part of the gatekeeper, namely the number of business users, the end user is locked on the iPadOS, and the business user is tied to the iPadOS. These three factors are believed to make it difficult for users to switch to other systems. With the iPadOS set as part of the gatekeeper, the system should allow some of the things that have been done on iOS. Apple should add sideload capabilities to the freedom of choosing the default crowd in the iPad.

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