JAKARTA - Even though it is facing a corona virus pandemic, Samsung does not want to be held back in developing its device technology. Starting from improving the capabilities of the camera to folding screen technology he has tried.
Now, this smartphone vendor from South Korea is reportedly producing a super large capacity internal memory chipset. Later Samsung devices will use up to 512 GB of storage memory en masse.
Reporting from the Android Authority, Samsung developed the 3.1 generation Universal Flash Storage (eUFS) technology, which will be embedded in all of its newest devices. On paper, this memory performance can transfer data at a speed of 1.2 GB per second.
This storage memory construction is claimed to be two times faster than conventional SATA-based PC SSDs. This allows users to save 8K video files or hundreds of high-resolution photos without the need for long buffering.

Quoting from Samsung Newsroom, the ability to re-write data on this new internal memory can be done in less than 2 minutes to transfer 100GB of data on a cellphone with eUFS 3.1 storage.
"The new EUFS 3.1 technology reflects our commitment to support consumer demand to deliver smartphones with better capabilities," said Cheol Choi, Executive Vice President of Memory Sales & Marketing at Samsung Electronics, in his official statement.
The fabrication used on this memory chipset makes a 100GB data transfer file that takes about 1.5 minutes. In comparison, the previous generation of storage memory took up to 4 minutes.
Samsung eUFS 3.1 will begin production in two capacities of 256GB and 128GB. Meanwhile, the new 512GB flash memory capacity will be pinned for the Galaxy Note 20 mobile device which is expected to be released in August 2020.
Since the first quarter of 2020, this company has actually experienced a decline in production turnover and sales of its newest smartphone unit. This is due to the outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19.
According to reports, Samsung co-blames the corona virus, aka COVID-19, for the low sales of the Galaxy S20 in South Korea. The sharp decline in the number of visitors to physical shops was due to fears of coronavirus infection.
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