JAKARTA Samsung Electronics is a company that continues to explore the potential of technology. The company is not only developing advanced phones, but also digital-based household appliances. Five years ago, Samsung introduced Bespoke innovation to facilitate daily activity. Over time, Samsung began adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and SmartThings-based connectivity to Bespoke. Even though the use of AI in digital household appliances is very important, Samsung realizes that security cannot be ignored. Therefore, the latest generation Bespoke AI will be protected by Samsung Yah Matrix which is guaranteed security throughout our product development," said Samsung's CEO and Head of Device eXperience, JH Han. "The blockchain-based Matrix Knox (will) monitor and protect each other's connected Samsung equipment." He explained further that their latest equipment, Kulkas 4 Trust Bespoke with AI Family Hub and AI Jet Bot Combo Bespoke, has been tested for its security. These two technologies got Diamond ratings for the security of the Internet of Things (IoT).

"Peringkat ini mewakili tingkat keamanan IoT tertinggi, suatu prestasi yang belum pernah dicapai oleh peralatan rumah tangga lain di dunia," jelas Han. Dua perangkat ini akan diluncurkan pada 3 April mendatang.Menurut Han, dua teknologi baru mereka akan mewakili puncak integrasi AI untuk peralatan rumah tangga. Pasalnya, dua produk ini menggabungkan serangkaian sensor, teknologi pengenalan, alat analisis data besar, chip AI yang kuat, dan Tizen OS.Meski sudah cukup canggih, Samsung berencana memasukkan AI generatif ke peralatan AI Bespoke mereka. Menurut Han, teknologi ini akan, "memungkinkan pengguna mengoperasikannya melalui percakapan alami, seperti mengobrol dengan anggota keluarga."

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