JAKARTA A water cycle in the world is currently unstable so that many areas are experiencing drought. Apparently, the dynamics of this water cycle is closely related to increasingly extreme climate change. Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati said that climate variability is very influential on water resources. Therefore, climate change will be one of the topics discussed at the 10th World Water Forum (WWF). "The water cycle and its interaction with the community will result in varying polarspatio-temporal.Spatio in the context of space,temporal in the context of time. Thus, the impact of this variation and climate change will have an impact on the variation of polaro-temporal availability of water resources," said Dwikorita at the FMB9 Press Conference on Monday, April 1. Based on the report of the World Meteorological Organization (MWO), the average temperature last year has increased by 1.45 degrees Celsius. In fact, in 2022, the increase in temperature only increased by 1.2 degrees Celsius. This indicates a large increase in just a year. If you look at the level of temperature rise over the past year, June to December always produced a new record of heat. However, the peak of the temperature increase occurred in July andaturation. These two months scored the hottest temperatures ever recorded.

Dwikorita explained that this temperature increase is closely related to industrial activities that continue to increase. The more extreme greenhouse gases produced, the higher the temperature intensity will be and the longer its duration will be." Thus, these greenhouse gases include CO2, which plays a role in raising the temperature because those gases become sheaths in the atmosphere that hinder the release of sunlight reflections from the Earth's surface to return to outer space," explained Dwikorita. If climate change is not overcome, water resources in several countries or regions will get pressure. This will cause drought, water scarcity, and water excess in some of the projected places to occur in 2050. When this problem occurs, the first parties to be affected are small farmers around the world. "World Food Organization states that more than 500 million small-scale farmers who produce 80 percent of the world's food sources are the most vulnerable groups." To address climate changes that have a direct impact on the agricultural sector, Dwikorita emphasized the importance of organizing the 10th WWF. These major events will address the issue of climate change that is closely related to water resources. "This emphasizes the need for mitigation and adaptation systematically to water-related issues," said Dwikorita. "We must collaborate because providing that data is not easy. Collaborating, exchanging data and information to be able to anticipate more early with data before 2050." Dwikorita added that the 10th WWF will be one of the efforts in overcoming gaps or water problems in the world with concrete steps. This forum will, "stall the problem together."

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