JAKARTA - Since last year, Google Play Store has started hiding old apps from users. This policy continues to be developed until Android14 prohibits sideloadapplication at the end of last year. Users are not allowed to download any apps that use Software Development Kits (SDK) under version 23. This means that users can only download apps that match Marshmallow's Android version or later. However, Android 15 which will be launched later this year will prohibit downloading applications with Marshmallow versions. This ban was discovered by Android Police while browsing the second Android Developer Preview. SDK threshold for Android 15 will change to 24, while the longest app is an application with version of Android Nougat. This rule works in the system because the device will block the user when the installation is done.

If the installation of Marshmallow's version of the app on the Play Store or on the website can still be done, the system will read the app as an error. The code read on Android 15 also states that, "the app package must target at least SDK 24." Actually, there is a reason behind the ban on downloading previous versions of the app. SDK version 22 and below do not yet have good security. Usually, bad developers will take advantage of applications in that version to avoid security features. By using applications with previous versions, applications will be easier to develop and develop and developers can pocket device permissions instantly. This can harm users so that Android must apply restrictions.

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