JAKARTA - Instagram presents a new feature for its users called Live Rooms. This feature allows Instagram users to broadcast live with a capacity of four people simultaneously.

Where previously, Instagram users who carried out live broadcasts were only limited to two people. Now with this feature, it is hoped that more creative content can be developed by users of this photo-sharing application.

Quoted from the Instagram blog, to start Live Rooms, users can swipe to the left and select the Live Camera feature. After that users can add people to be invited to broadcast live.

In addition, users can also see requests from other users to join live broadcasts. During the live broadcast, the user can add other users to join the live broadcast.

So far the new Live Rooms feature has been tested out to several users and is planned to be released globally as soon as possible. Indonesia is one of the first countries to get this feature.

Instagram said the Live Rooms feature was rolled out to help users, creators and business people who have taken advantage of the Live feature amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

By live streaming more people in Live Rooms, Instagram hopes this feature will deliver inspiring content in a variety of formats.

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How to Use Instagram Live Rooms:

1. To start Live, open the Instagram app and swipe the main page to the right.

2. Select the option Live Streaming or Live, and press the circle button at the bottom center of the screen to start Live Streaming.

3. To invite friends to join the Live Rooms broadcast, press the Camera / Rooms icon.

4. The user will see a list of friends who have submitted requests to join Live Rooms or the user can type in the name of the friend they want to add.

5. Users can add up to three friends to join the Live Rooms broadcast. They can add all three together or gradually.

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