JAKARTA - During 2023, Kaspersky's solution detected and blocked a total of 455,708 financial phishing efforts targeting companies of various sizes in Southeast Asia.

Of the total, Indonesia is ranked third with the highest number of financial phishing attacks, namely 97,465 incidents.

Cybercriminals use various tactics, including financial-related phishing, to deceive employees and trick them into being victims of attacks, said Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager for Southeast Asia in Kaspersky.

Kaspersky said that employee security breaches are as dangerous as external hacking for companies, meaning human factors continue to increase and play a role in making business ecosystems vulnerable.

"A tool that can help protect the company from human negligence is important, but it must also be supported by employee education, skills development, and overall strengthening the company's ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks," Yeo added.

To help companies protect their systems from damage from effective phishing attacks, Kaspersky experts recommend some tips.

First, Kaspersky recommends that companies can increase the understanding of decision makers about the importance of cybersecurity and the best way to distribute the budget is to stay ahead of threats.

In addition, consider asking for help from experts. Experts will identify security loopholes in your system configuration, and help create an IT security infrastructure that is perfect for certain companies.

Lastly, don't forget to install and use the company's security solutions with anti-phishing software, to help prevent potentially harmful and unusual activity, both done by users and by attackers who have mastered the system.

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