JAKARTA Sennhiser, a German audio company, celebrates National Music Day by introducing a professional audio solution. According to Sennhiser, this device can support musicians' careers.
There are four devices they introduce, namely headphones for monitoring, condensor microphones, vocal microphones, and wireless set vocals. All of these devices can be used by Musicians, depending on their needs.
The first device, namely the HD400PRO headphones, can be used as a monitoring tool in the studio. According to the Sennhiser, this device is comfortable to use because the design is light and the earpads use velour, a textile material that looks like akun.
Next, there is the MK 4 Studio Set microphone. As the name implies, this device is suitable for use in the studio because it has a large diaphragm.
This tool is coated with full metal house housing and 24-carat gold. Although suitable for the studio, this tool can still be used for home production.
The next microphone device is MD 435. Unlike MK 4, this device is more suitable to appear on stage. This microphone has a smooth resolution and transparency so it is suitable for noisy surrounding situations.
With the introduction of these four devices, Sennhiser believes that musicians can continue to grow. According to him, Sennhiser audio equipment can meet various spectrums of musical aspirations.
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