JAKARTA - Currently, telecommunications service providers in Indonesia are no longer competing with prices. According to the President Director of PT XL Axiata Tbk. Dian Siswarini, the price war had a bad impact.

"Price war is so last day, it's not that time anymore, yes, price war. Because price war is not only not good for operators, but also not good for industry," said Dian in CNBC Indonesia Tech & Telco Summit 2024, Tuesday, March 5.

Thus, with so many telecommunications providers in Indonesia today, industry players are more focused on providing services and making products that are more useful to the community.

"So we are more focused on providing services, for example how our products or our services can be well received with the community. How the service is indeed the product needed by the community," he said further.

In addition, Dian also admitted that currently XL Axiata has a focus on improving customer service or contact centers, so that it can answer all questions asked by customers.

Because according to him, currently customer questions are not only focused on slow networks, but also on other telecommunications issues, such as how to buy subscription packages, and so on.

"So as an illustration, in the past, maybe complaints that came to us were more 'oh, why is the internet slow?' But now the application is very decisive, so if for example they can't open the application or can't buy packages in the application, "explained Dian.

This then proves that there is a shift in people's habits, so that price wars between cellular operators are no longer the company's main focus in embracing new or old users.

"So availability and accessibility For every customer anywhere at any time," he concluded.

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