JAKARTA - In 2024, generative AI has the potential to develop into part of daily work, both for small businesses, teams in large companies, and individual workers.
Fanly Tanto, Country Director, Indonesia, Google Cloud, admitted that in Google itself, they have done a lot of work in AI Generatively through Gemini for Workspace last year.
Fanly also mentioned some of the changes AI will bring to the world of work this year, especially to help businesses streamline work, maintain performance, and increase interaction with customers.
"In 2024, we will begin to see the sophistication of multimodal AI, namely, AI which can understand information in the form of text, images, audio, videos, and others in supporting the performance of organizations, both large and small, including MSMEs," Fanly said on Google's blog, quoted Tuesday, March 5.
According to him, this progress will be beneficial for all organizations, especially for small businesses, where one person may do a lot of work alone.
Furthermore, whether it's big or small businesses, Google sees that generative AI will increase their ability to make commands, including creating content for marketing, to writing and perfecting reply messages for customers.
Finally, along with increasingly advanced technology and users who are used to using it, this year Google sees even more intense conversations between humans and a generative AI.
"Unlike the previous type of writing application and productivity, a lot of activity will occur in the creation process, maybe with suggestions that can speed up work or suggestions that indicate a workflow or process that was not previously thought of," he said.
At the same time, AI continues to be more sophisticated in reading the situational needs of a business. For example, at the time of the meeting, AI may offer its ability to create a meeting summary and send it to all relevant parties.
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