JAKARTA - A 2024 CrowdStrice Global Threat Report shows a surge in cybercriminals who use stolen identity data to exploit weaknesses in cloud infrastructure.

Throughout 2023, CrowdStrice recorded various never-before-hit secret modes by cybercrime groups and activists, targeting businesses in every sector around the world, "said Adam Meyers, Head of Counter Advisory Operations, CrowdStrike in its report.

In this report, in general, CrowdStrice sees a 75 percent increase in cloud disruption spikes, with cloud-conscious cases soaring to 110 percent year-on-year.

Cloud-conscious itself is a term that refers to cybercriminals who have the ability to manipulate the cloud's workload and abuse its unique features to achieve their goals.

Not only that, because criminals are now aggressively utilizing identity data to gain access to certain organizations, CrowdStrike recorded a sharp increase in interactive interferences and on-keyboard hands-on attacks by 60 percent.

Meanwhile, in terms of cyber attack speed, this report shows a decrease in the average attack speed from the initial 84 minutes in 2022 to just 62 minutes in 2023.

In fact, CrowdStrike saw the fastest recorded attack which was only within 2 minutes 7 seconds. After the initial access is obtained, it only takes 31 seconds for cyberattack perpetrators to place an initial disclosure tool to compensate for their victims.

To beat cybercriminals, companies must implement a platform approach, which is driven by threat and monitoring intelligence, to protect identity data, prioritize cloud protection, and provide good visibility in areas at risk for companies, concluded Mayers.

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