JAKARTA PLD Space, aerospace company from Spain, won a Boost contract! belongs to the European Space Agency (ESA). The contract will support the launch of MIURA-5.

Boost! is a program created by ESA and the European Commission to improve commercial space transportation initiatives. Of the five companies that submitted the project, PLD Space was selected as the recipient of the aid funds.

By winning a Boost contract! worth 1.3 million euros (IDR 21.8 billion), PLD Space Co-Founder, Ra hot Verd Badminton, said that MIURA-5's potential has been proven. According to Verd totaling, MIURA-5 will be one of the best transportation service provider rockets.

"We are excited to develop modular, very flexible, and low-cost solutions to meet the accommodation needs of our customers aboard the MIURA-5 ship," Verd Badminton said in a company release on Monday, February 19.

Meanwhile, ESA, who submitted the contract, said that the development of the MIURA rocket was very satisfying. The PLD Space managed to develop and launch MIURA-1 so ESA hoped a lot at the launch of MIURA-5.

The current development of the payload adapter was chosen to increase market competitiveness and ensure as many satellites as possible and customers can fly, said Jorgen Bru, an employee of the ESA.

MIURA is a sub-orbital launch vehicle that was inaugurated in October last year. The PLD Space intentionally filed a MIURA-5 project designed based on improvements from the launch and MIURA-1 system.

This rocket can be used for a wide range of missions, from CubeSat accommodation to microsatellite launches. This rocket with two stages of boosters is capable of transporting hardware weighing 540 kilograms.

MIURA-5 will be a transportation service for aircraft or satellites that wish to be launched into the Solar Synchron Orbit (SSO). If MIURA-5 is ready for use, the rocket will operate and launch from the European Space Port.

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