JAKARTA - Some time ago, users of iOS 17.4 beta complained about the problem of the Progressive Web App (PWA) feature that disappeared from the crowder. Apparently, this feature was deliberately removed by Apple.
Through the application development site, Apple said that it removed the install feature of the web application because of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the European Union. Apple explains that they created the feature on WebKit.
By using WebKit, web applications will be integrated into the security and privacy models developed on iOS. However, this integration cannot be applied in other applications because DMA makes all iOS crowds free from WebKit.
Main Screen web apps are managed to align with security and privacy models for native apps on iOS, including storage isolation and system command enforcement to access capabilities that affect the privacy on bases per site, Apple said.
Without the storage isolation and system orders that Apple has arranged, malicious web apps can read data from other web applications. In fact, at worst, the malicious web can access cameras, microphones, and locations.
Apple admits that it cannot address more complex security and privacy concerns because other crowdintegrating architectures are not regulated by iOS. Therefore, they decided to remove the install feature of the webdibrowser app.
"Taking into account complex security and privacy issues related to web applications that use alternative browser machines requires the construction of a fully new integration architecture that is currently not on iOS and is impractical to do given other demands from DMA," Apple explained.
Even though Safari is still using WebKit, Apple still can't maintain the features of their web application. The reason is, the DMA regulations emphasize that equality and Apple cannot make Safari look superior to other crowds.
After the iOS 17.4 version is released to EU users in March, users can only quickly access websites through the marker feature. According to Apple, bookmark creation is the best way to access the site efficiently.
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