JAKARTA This year, for the first time, TikTok invited four leading creators from around the world to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) event held in Switzerland.

The four creators who attended were Vina Muliana, Nadya Okamato, Erika Thompson, and Dr. Karan Rajan. Each of these creators explored different fields, some became HR professionals, entrepreneurs, bee breeders, and surgeons.

The four creators were invited to attend when TikTok held a dinner at a ski resort in Switzerland. They were present with TikTok executives to convey the mission they were trying to fight for on TikTok.

TikTok's Head of Operations, Adam Presser, who was the moderator during the panel session, said that these four creators were deliberately presented as a form of appreciation. The reason is, the key to TikTok's success is the birth of content creators.

More than a billion people visit our platform to express themselves and seek entertainment. More and more of them are learning new skills and hobbies, as well as building their business on TikTok, "said Adam.

During the event, Adam gave creators the opportunity to tell their success in fighting for missions on social media platforms. For Adam, their entire actions are in line with the TikTok mission.

"Nadya, Dr. Karan, Vina, and Erika represent the values of sustainability, equality, education and learning, as well as realizing the TikTok mission to inspire creativity and bring happiness," explained Adam.

Apart from attending the panel session at the dinner, the four creators had the opportunity to carry out their mission. Nadya had met with the Executive Director of United Nations Population Funds (UN) Dr. Natalia Kanem.

Nadya and Kanem's meeting discussed a lot about the sexual health and reproduction of the United Nations. Meanwhile, Vina had the opportunity to interview the Director General of the International Manpower Office, Gilbert F. Houngbo, to discuss AI in the world of work.

Erika Thompson meets Primatologist Jane Goodall to discuss the impact of environmental activists on bee breeders, while Dr. Karan teamed up with WEF to create content with the European Space Agency (ESA) and Astronauts, Matthias Mauer.

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