JAKARTA Astrobotic Technology, a space robotics company, has lost its signal Peregrine. This happens because the lander made by Astrobotic has entered the Signal Loss period.

Before Peregrine left the Deep Space Network network belonging to the United States Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), Astrobotic had predicted that their spacecraft would experience 9 hours of communication outages.

At around 7 pm, we will enter the Signal Loss period which is estimated to last 9 hours, our longest period without communication. We hope to re-establish communication around 4 am," Astrobotic said in an official statement.

Astrobotic did not explain the reasons behind the blackout of this communication. They only explained that the company managed to collect data from some of the active payloads brought by Peregrine into space.

We have successfully received data from nine payloads designed to communicate with the lander. Ten payloads requiring power have received it, while the remaining ten charges are passive, "explained Astrobotic.

The ten Peregrine payloads that can deliver data are Iris Lunar Rover, COLENA, M-42 Radiation Detector, Linear Energy Transfer Spectrometer (LETS), Near-Infrared Volatile Spectometer System (NIRVSS), and Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS).

Furthermore, there are still Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS), Pocari Sweat s Lunar Dream Time Capsul, Optical Precision Autonomous Landing (OPAL), and Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL). Astrobotics do not explain the content that they did not manage to receive the data.

After the Peregrine reconnectes with NASA's Deep Space Network, the plane will not have a long life. The Peregrine propellant is only 48 hours away and the plane is far from the Moon's path so the landing has been confirmed to fail.

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