YOGYAKARTA - Not only for watching movies, projectors are also often used in offices, classrooms, performance rooms, and many more. With the many applications of this feature, it will be very helpful if you master various types of projectors and the types of lenses needed to make it easier to determine the best types of projectors for certain situations. Want to know what types of projectors are?

Launching from the itstilworks site, in general there are 2 types of projectors. Each of these types is DLP (Digital Light Processing) as well as LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). At the beginning of the projector is introduced, if there is a type CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) used. It utilizes 3 tubes each of which presents a primary color. Because the size is large, the light is low, as well as the frequently created needs to unify and reconcile the projected photos of each tube, types of CRT are no longer used in general. Here we summarize the full types of projectors.

1. DLP Projector

DLP projectors can be classified as 1 chip or chip. Each chip accommodates millions of mirrors reflecting beams thousands of times every second. DLP 1 chip projections can create more than 16 million colors, while 3 chip models can create more than 35 trillion colors. This allows DLP projectors to reproduce more natural images. The stiffness of each mirror in a chip makes it difficult to see space that separates pixels and in turn produces smoother and sharper photos compared to LCD technology

2. LCD Projector

The LCD projector works using polarized glass that passes through and only reflects the color of certain rays. This causes each red, green, and blue channel to be separated and after that it is converged again through the prism after passing through the LCD panel which controls the intensity and saturation of each color.

3. CRT Projector

Catode Ray Tube (CRT) is a projector that can use Ancient Projectors in the form of tube TV. For the way that this Projector works, it is by using 3 CRTs as well as a broadening lens so that it can display images produced from the source and the results can make the most important image projections, namely red, green, and blue.

Behind the advantages, in fact, the shortcomings of this Projector one are from dimensions that are bigger than other types of projectors. The existing images will be focused and also made very large in size by using a lens that is the front of each existing tube, and the results of the lenses in the CRT Projector must be controlled by experts because the size is very large.

4. LCOS Projectors

Crystal On Silicon Liquid Projector is one of the projectors that has the technology of 2 combined 2 projectors namely LCD and DLP, and the results of this LCOS Projector are better and lighter than LCD. The resolution produced by this Projector is also very good, namely that it can reach 2048 x 1536 px or the equivalent of QXGA. The LCOS Projector Work Method is to use a liquid crystal arrangement above the silicon back plane and concentrate the light used with the reflecting technique as found in DLP Projectors and also use unwanted light blocks as found in LCD Projectors.

The LCOS Projector's own costs are very expensive and also only a few people use LCOS and Industry Projectors who use this technology, namely SONY and JVC.

5. Digital Projector

Digital projectors are Projectors who are very Popular, why are they called Popular because this Type of Projector can change the data contained on the computer so that it can be displayed on the screen only through the lens system. This projector can also be used for Home Theater. The technology used in this Digital Projector also has 4 kinds of technology, namely High Intensity of CRT, DLP Technology, LCD Projectors and LCD Projectors.

The LCD projector was first met by a scientist named Gene Dolgrof from New York. He, who started working at the campus in 1968 and has the aim of producing a projector video which in his idea he will make a LCD projector that is brighter than the 3-CRT projector.

From the idea is to use an element called valve light to control the amount of light that goes through it. After trying various materials, he then used liquid crystals to organize light in 1971. And this brought him to 1984 to get a addresabel' from a liquid crystal screen (LCD), which at such a time he created the world's first LCD projector.

In addition, we provide a '5 House Theater Projector' reference to make it easier for you to enjoy watching with your family.

So after knowing the types of projectors, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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