YOGYAKARTA - Refurbish or what we usually know is reconditioned gadgets at oblique prices, considering the affordable price. However, in order not to regret it and feel wrong to buy, it's a good idea to know the characteristics of refurbished products before buying them. Come on, look!

Definition Of Refurbished

Refurbished is a product that is returned to a new kind of state because it suffered little damage. Refurbished objects are repaired with the aim of being resold to consumers. So, refurbished products are not new products.

Refurbishded products are often likened to reconditioned products. Meanwhile, there are fundamental differences between the two.

Refurbished products are renewed by official brand holders. That is, this product is modified by internal parties. Refurbished goods can be equipped with a warranty, although the timeframe is not the same compared to completely new goods.

Meanwhile, the reconditioned product is repaired by external parties. Reconditioned goods also have a guarantee, but the time period is shorter than the refurbished product.

Not only that, there is no guarantee that reconditioned products have the same quality as refurbished products or new products.

1. Certified Refurbish Information Original From Producers

Check the condition of the goods is necessary. But what is even more important is to obtain quality refurbish. Generally, the official producer also takes out refurbish type goods 2-3 months after the gadget is released. The official refurbish from the factory provides a refurbish certification label or certified refurbish on the packaging. You can also know track records and their pedigrees through checking on the official website.

Refurbish goods from factories can be the best option because the factory guarantees that the gadget reconditioning has passed high standards. You can get it through an official distributor or gadget shop which is the authorized seller. For example, Apple's refurbish products generally have the words Apple Certified Pre-Owned in the box so that it is not wrong with new goods or used goods.

2. Retail Type Categoryd In Grade

Well, if the refurbish goods come from retail, they will sell refurbish goods based on the type of gadget quality called "grade". Make sure you know the characteristics of the grade gadget refund that you want as follows.

Grade A

Characteristics: It looks like a new gadget, but it has signs

the remaining use or remaining handling from the factory. Relatively smooth and sold completely with original knick-knacks plus manual books.

Grade B

Characteristics: Body is relatively smooth, but there are some signs, cracks or other damage caused by shipping processes to distributors/retailers. Sold complete with original knick-knacks, minus manuals.

Grade C

Characteristics: There are used marks, as well as slightly light berets. Generally sold only telephone devices without real knick-knacks. There are also those who sell them along with unoriented knick-knacks.

3. There is a Clear and Guarantee Guarantee

The guarantee is not as long as it is a new goods guarantee. At the longest, a refurbish gadget guarantee is valid for approximately 6 months to one year. Most importantly, the guarantee can guarantee national or international service.

You need to be on guard with the warranty offered by retailers who lack clarity information. Therefore, you must obtain clear information about the warranty period and the type of service they provide.

Their warranty period can be longer than the official guarantee for refurbish gadgets issued by the factory. Don't be fooled by the length of the warranty given. Sometimes, the length of the warranty period is also a sign that the gadgets you buy are of low quality.

You can also better recognize the 'Plus Minus iPhone Refurbished' here.

So after knowing the characteristics of refurbished products, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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