JAKARTA - On Thursday, December 28, President Joko Widodo inaugurated the operation of BTS 4G and SATRIA-1 integration in the Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi. This inauguration is a historic moment for the advancement of digital technology and infrastructure in Indonesia.

Seeing the acceleration of development carried out by the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility AGENCY (BAKTI) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in the past four months, the General Chairperson of APJII Muhammad Arif appreciated BAKTI's performance.

"We are proud of the commitment and efficiency shown by the Minister and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in projects that have a major impact on national digital transformation," Arif said in a statement received on Friday, December 29.

According to Arif, this inauguration is a step forward in ensuring that every Indonesian population can enjoy the benefits of the digital revolution, with equal and quality access to information and technology.

In his remarks, Kominfo Minister Budi Arie Setiadi said that currently BAKTI has succeeded in building 4G BTS in 4,990 locations in Indonesia, out of a total target of 7,200 locations.

However, the Minister of Communication and Information is also targeting the construction of 630 4G BTS in Papua to be completed in the first quarter of next year.

As an organization that represents more than 970 ISPs in Indonesia, Arif also reiterated APJII's commitment to becoming more connected, inclusive, and advanced through digital downstream in Indonesia.

"APJII members have contributed to USO's deposit, affirming our concrete support in advancing inclusive digital infrastructure. Digital Downstreaming is not only about network deployments, but also about 'adoptions' of inclusive and sustainable digital technology," said Arif.

Through this approach, APJII is committed to supporting the government in ensuring that the benefits of digital infrastructure can be widely felt, from increasing access to education and health to economic empowerment at the local level.

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