JAKARTA The United States Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) announced that it will hold part of next year's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative.

According to the set schedule, the Peregrine Mission-1 lander will launch on Monday, January 8. This launch will be NASA's first commercial landing program on the Moon.

From the releases shared, NASA said that the Astrobotic's Peregrine lander would be flown from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on its United Launch Alliance (ULA) charm rocket.

The launch of Peregrine will be broadcast live on all NASA platforms such as NASA+, NASA Television, NASA apps, and NASA websites. In addition to the initial launch, NASA will also broadcast pre-launch events on Thursday, January 4.

Peregrine Mission-1 is NASA's first lander to launch in the last 50 years. NASA launched the lander for the first and last time during the Apollo mission, from 1961 to 1972.

While carrying out its mission, Peregrine will carry 20 payloads consisting of 15 payloads belonging to various organizations around the world and 5 contents belonging to NASA. Later, Peregrine will be landed at Sinus Viscositatis, an area adjacent to the Gruithuisen Dobah.

Gruithuisen is the largest dark dome on the Moon. Based on observations of NASA's telescope and spacecraft, the dome was formed by magma or a silicate lava eruption that did not flow out easily.

By landing Peregrine on Gruithuisen, NASA wants to observe and study the region before landing humans on the Moon. It is hoped that this landing could support NASA's target of landing the first woman and the first black person on the Moon.

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