JAKARTA In a meeting of the United States National Space Council which was held on Wednesday, December 20, the White House released a policy framework related to space activity surveillance.

The released framework was created to accompany the mission authorization distribution proposal shown on November 15. In the proposal, the White House will share the responsibility of commercial space activities with the Department of Commerce and Transportation.

Quoting from theSpacenews report, this framework will direct the two departments to minimize the burden in the space industry. Both will be key in the future surveillance process.

In addition, this newly released framework contains the establishment of the Private Sector Space Activity Inter-Institutional Steering Group. Later, this group will contain cabinet-level departments, the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), and other federal agencies.

The Inter-Institutional Steering Group of Private Sector Space Activities will be led directly by the Minister of Trade and Transportation. Actively, the minister must consult with the head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

If it is legally on duty, this group will create a strategy to direct a nascent or still growing commercial space company. This briefing will include new space activity practices, standards, and protocols for the private sector.

Once the strategy for the direction of the private sector is completed, information on the strategy will be submitted to the Department of Trade and Transportation to be included in their respective regulations.

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