JAKARTA - The virtual police, who have been busy talking for some time, are now ready to patrol the internet. Social media users must be able to be careful when giving comments or posting statuses.

Previously, the idea of forming a virtual police came from the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, some time ago. According to him, the virtual police will provide education to netizens who have been caught in the act of violating the ITE Law.

The virtual police will explain potential articles that can ensnare social media users and the penalties they will be subject to.

"So when there are sentences that are not quite right which then violate the ITE Law, the virtual police will then reprimand. Reprimand and then explain that you have the potential to violate this article with the threat of such a penalty. Then given what he should do, "said Sigit in the 2021 TNI-Polri Rapim.

In enforcing the law in cyberspace, Sigit hopes to involve influencers who have many followers. Those who have a big influence on social media will be asked to provide education about the ITE Law to their followers.

With the involvement of influencers in this education, it is hoped that it can provide education that is comfortable and does not have a frightening impression. This is done so that netizens are aware and understand the importance of ethics in social media.

"So that the educational process is also comfortable, not just scaring. But then it makes people interested, then realizes and understands that this is permissible and this is not allowed. Please do things like that, "he added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo asked that the application of the ITE Law be more selective. Sigit hopes that there will be instructions for investigators when examining cases related to the ITE Law.

Sigit also said that cases could only be reported by victims and were not represented by other people. This decision is expected to avoid social media users who are just playing reporting because this will be a hassle. He added that there must be mediation to resolve the case.

"So we will fix things like this in the future, especially if it is like that. If necessary, if it does not have the potential to cause horizontal conflict, then no need to be detained. So the mediation process, mediation can't, don't have to be arrested, "he said.

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