YOGYAKARTA The public is advised to know the difference between KTP and IKD. The reason is, IKD will become a new population identity to replace electronic ID cards (e-KTP). In general, the difference between the two lies in the appearance.

Quoted from the dkcapil.oganilirkab site, Digital Population Identity (IKD) or digitial ID card can be converted into a digital-shaped electronic KTP which contains various electronic information to represent population documents and back-to-back data in digital applications via smartphones that show the personal identity of the person concerned.

Although both serve as identity markers, there are a number of differences between KTP and IKD, namely as follows, quoted from the Indonesia Good website.

From a physical point of view, electronic ID cards are in the form of cards so that they can be held or viewed in plain view. Unlike IKD which is in the form of e-KTP photos. IKD also has a QR Code that can be scanned to display the owner's information.

Electronic ID cards are usually issued by the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil). As for having an IKD, people simply use their smartphones.

IKD storage is considered safer and more practical because it does not require space. Electronic ID cards are usually stored in wallets or bags, while IKD can be stored in smart phones.

The public needs to print an Electronic KTP in the form of a physical card. As for IKD, it is enough to use a smartphone and does not need to be printed into a card form.

Untuk mengakses IKD, masyarakat membutuhkan internet. Selain itu akan dilakukan beberapa proses verifikasi kepada si-pengakses. Sedangkan pada KTP tidak perlu internet, namun orang lain bisa melihat KTP selama kartu fisiknya dijukkan.

One of the other differences that is quite interesting is that there is no need for photocopies on IKD. In contrast to ID cards, which in some administrative matters still need to duplicate photocopies.

On the dukcapil.oganilirkab website, it is stated that IKD does not only contain data in the form of population biodata but other information data such as family cards (KK), population certificates, and other documents such as BPJS, NPWP, NIP, and so on.

As explained earlier, the creation of IKD is done simply through smartphones connected to the internet network. Here's how to make IKD.

That's information regarding differences in ID cards and IKD. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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