JAKARTA – In the middle of this year, Google announced that they were creating Gemini, the next basic model of Artificial Intelligence (AI). At that time, Gemini was still in the training stage.
In a recent The Information report, Google is supposed to launch this base model next week in California, New York, and Washington. However, Google canceled the launch event and postponed it until January.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai delayed the launch of Gemini because their AI could not yet be used optimally to answer non-English questions. Considering they wanted to match or compete with ChatGPT-4, they had to retrain Gemini.
The launch of Gemini probably won't be delayed any longer because Google really wants to launch it immediately. From a report by 9to5google, Pichai once said that, “(We are) focused on launching Gemini 1.0 as soon as possible, making sure it is competitive, advanced, and we will build from there.”
Gemini was created to be multimodal to efficiently integrate tools and APIs. Gemini was also created as an innovation for the future in terms of memory and planning.
Once launched, Gemini will come in a variety of sizes and capabilities. Google says that this base model will be the same size as PaLM 2, a new language model that has four sizes.
Google hopes Gemini can bring improvements to AI products for partners or for their own companies. Most likely, Google will add Gemini to Google Bard, Google Assistant, and Google Search.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)