Ethereum Boss Vitalik Buterin Suggests Human Collaboration With AI
Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. (Photo; Doc. AletaCripto)

JAKARTA - Vitalik Buterin, a key figure in the crypto world, responded to Andresson Horowitz's views regarding his future role in technology and its impact on humans. The Ethereum founder outlined his ideas in's personal blog post on November 27, 2023.

Previously, Horowitz wrote his idea entitled The Techno-Optimist Manifesto" in a blog post stressing the importance of embracing technology and markets for a brighter future. This Manifesto rejects the idea of stagnation and highlights the need to prioritize progress rather than maintaining the status quo.

Vitalik Buterin expressed his views on the impact of technology on the quality of life, health, comfort, and access to information in the last century. However, he highlighted certain risks caused by technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) that have the potential to threaten human existence.

Launching Beincrypto, Buterin proposed an alternative perspective called "defensive acceleration" or "d/acc". This concept involves accelerating certain technologies which are expected to make the world safer. It also emphasizes the need to limit or slow down the development of technology that tends to consolidate power or pose an uncontrolled risk.

Some examples of "defense-favoring" technologies suggested by Buterin to accelerate include resilient infrastructure and pandemic-response technologies. Also include encryption and blockchain to maintain privacy and decentralization, as well as tools to enable democratic governance.

Buterin warned about the increasing digital authoritarianism that could be exploited against opposition or those who oppose the government. This is claimed to be controlled by a large number of technology companies.

Human And AI Collaboration

Not only that, the Ethereum boss added that most people prefer to postpone the development of highly sophisticated artificial intelligence for a decade rather than being monopolized by one group or technology giant company.

Especially for advanced artificial intelligence, Buterin suggests focusing more on collaboration between AI and humans than autonomous systems. The cognitive increase in autonomous systems will also be prioritized to address the risk of takeover by superintelection.

For Buterin, humans are 'bright stars' who are able to produce good things and reap the positive values of the progress of human civilization itself. Then, he also emphasized the importance of using technology, and responding wisely to the rapid development of technology.

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