JAKARTA - Not long ago, Google announced that they would update the appearance of Maps. This change can not only be seen in terms of routes, but also new color palettes.

This color palette has been presented in stages on the website, Android, iOS, to Android Auto, the Android software used by car drivers. The color of the palette across the device is now in harmony.

In the latest appearance, a bright green color is used to describe a garden, nature, or place that is full of green plants. The color of the road is also increased from pale white to bright gray.

Untuk titik bangunan dan beberapa struktur tidak mengalami perubahan. Seperti gedung misalnya, mereka masih berwarna-bua. Namun, warna jalan di sekitarnya menjadi sedikit lebih dark dibandingkan sebelumnya.

Sea colors or various types of water areas have also become younger. If previously it was blue almost to purple, now the color is bluer tosca. Toll roads are also focused on old gray.

According to a 9to5google report, quoted on Sunday, November 26, the Google Maps display on Android Auto, Android, and other devices is not much different. Interface Users (UI) across devices display cooler colors, even text to navigation lines also change color.

If you want to see this update, you still have to be patient. Google has been testing the display of this palette since August and only launched in general on 17 November. Google is still rolling out its updates in stages around the world.

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