HarmonyOS Next: Huawei's New System Completely Independent of Android
Huawei is developing the HarmonyOS Next (photo: dock. Huawei)

JAKARTA – Since 2019, relations between Huawei and Android have been strained due to trade issues. After access to both was cut off, Huawei began developing HarmonyOS.

After years of developing HarmonyOS, this system is actually still related to Android. From a report by 9to5google, Huawei is maintaining sideloadable apps to Android.

Now, Huawei is going to break away from Android completely with the launch of HarmonyOS Next. The company announced the presence of the new system at Huawei's developer conference earlier this year.

The word next in their latest operating system is proof that Huawei will get away from Android completely. They say that this new HarmonyOS will be, “A pure version of the HarmonyOS operating system without Android libraries.”

We can't confirm whether HarmonyOS Next will really leave Android behind. The reason is, when Huawei first released HarmonyOS, the company insisted that their system was not Android, but these two systems still look similar.

So far, there is no information regarding the release of HarmonyOS Next. However, the company is indeed working on making an original series of HarmonyOS by recruiting many new developers.

For your information, Huawei was one of the Android-based cellphone manufacturers in the world before relations between the two broke down. Android even managed to build a big business in China because of Huawei cellphones.

However, this revenue was reduced significantly in China after the ban was imposed and Huawei got rid of the Play Store on all new devices. Now, Huawei has operated versions of applications and software that it claims are independent of Android.

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