YOGYAKARTA - Many mobile phone users have asked about the differences between WhatsApp Beta and ordinary. You need to know that every new feature will be released, WhatsApp will first conduct a trial to WhatsApp Beta users. This trial step is taken to determine whether the application is stable or there are still shortcomings that need to be fixed.

WhatsApp always updates or updates features to improve the experience and convenience of its users. The trial update is done on WhatsApp Beta as an initial version that is not yet stable and is officially released. Even though it's just an experiment, users can try out the latest features first.

In WhatsApp Beta, users can operate several things ranging from touching the screen, checking incoming notifications, replying messages, to making voice calls or video calls. Therefore, users need to know the differences between WhatsApp Beta and ordinary?

Before new features are released to users in general or wider, the developer or developer will test first through the Beta version of the WhatsApp application. WhatsApp still stores interesting features that have not been released finally, so many users try or don't even know.

WhatsApp provides a Beta version application developed to test new features, before it is fully or officially released. However, WhatsApp Beta cannot be accessed publicly by just any user. However, you also have the opportunity to join the Beta program so that you can also try out the new WA feature which will be released later in the day.

Actually, the difference between WhatsApp Beta and the original or ordinary version does not appear striking. Both versions of WhatsApp can be used to send messages and make phone calls and video calls. WhatsApp Beta provides more features that are not found in the original version of WA.

However, although there are many features available, the operation of WhatsApp Beta may not run smoothly or stably. WhatsApp Beta users may experience bug, issue or other problems while running the application. This happens because the features are still in trials.

WhatsApp Beta users can try and run new newly developed features. When testing the available features, users can submit reports in case of a problem. This of course cannot be done by the original version of WhatsApp users, because these features do not yet exist and are released in WA at large.

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That's a review of the differences in WhatsApp Beta and the usual ones that WA users need to understand. Although accessible, the latest version of WhatsApp Beta may not work properly because it's still in the testing phase. Maybe you'll also find a bug crash or other issue.

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