JAKARTA Apple harus membayar denda senilai 25 juta dolar AS (Rp391 miliar) kepada Departemen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat (DOJ) karena kasus diskriminasi perekrutan di perusahaannya.
From the official release of the DOJ, the total fines that Apple pays will be used for case purposes. A total of 18.25 million US dollars (IDR 286 billion) will be given to affected victims, while 6.75 million US dollars (IDR 105 billion) will be used for civil fines.
Apple agreed to pay, but they denied that the company was deliberately involved in illegal recruitment practices. Perusahaanbig techini admitted that they were not aware of violating the recruitment standards set by DOJ.
"We have implemented a strong remediation plan to meet the requirements of various government agencies as we continue to recruit American workers and develop in the US," said Apple spokesman Fred Sainz, quoted by VOIdariThe Verge.
Before the amount of the fine was set, DOJ stated that Apple had violated the Immigration and Nationality Law when recruiting employees through the Permanent Manpower Certification (PERM) program.
By using this recruitment system, Apple can permanently employ foreign employees in America. What's more, Apple doesn't advertise this job vacancy on their websites to allow the practice.
The DOJ found other evidence showing that Apple received a PERM application by letter and did not consider applications from several Apple employees sent online.
With recruitment procedures like this, DOJ asked Apple to carry out wider recruitment for all positions of PERM. The company is also asked to upload vacancies for the position of PERM on their website and accept applications digitally.
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