YOGYAKARTA For those of you who are looking for a smartphone, try to see the IP rating listed on the box at the box. The IP rating is usually listed on the HP specifications. Then what is the IP rating on the cellphone?
The term IP is abbreviation of the Ingress Protection. Istillah refers to the protection of the entry of a smooth or liquid particle into the electronic device component. The particles in question are dust and water.
The standard IP rating is not determined by manufacturers, but by an international standardization institution called the International Electronic Commission (IEC) with an office center in Geneva, Switzerland.
The IEC will implement testing of HP or other electronic devices such as home appliance, fiber optic cables, nanotechnology, or other technology products. After that, the IEC can only determine whether the device meets the IP rating requirements or not.
The format for the inclusion of the Ingress Protection Rating or IP rating on HP devices is usually written with IP writing and followed with double digits and additional letters. Examples of IP rating formats are "IP55" and "IP68". The higher the number listed, the more robustness and resilience of dust and water material, the higher. On the other hand, if the number listed is 0 then the device is declared not caught against the two materials.
The highest number on the IP rating for solid object resistance is 6 with the meaning of "dust tight". If the IP rating is 6 then the dust cannot enter the electronic device component.
Meanwhile, the level of suitability of electronic devices to liquid objects with the highest rating rate is 9. The device has resistance to water bursts with pressure and high temperatures from various directions.
For example, you can buy a cellphone with IPX7 and IPX8 rating IP. This code means that the cellphone can be protected from water. For HP with an IP67 rating IP, it is still protected from water with a depth of 1 meter with a maximum duration of 30 minutes. Meanwhile, HP with an IP68 rating can survive at a water depth of 1.5 meters with a duration of 30 minutes. However, it should also be noted that HP with a high rating IP is also more expensive.
But it should also be noted that when you have a cellphone with a high rating IP, it does not mean that the cellphone is completely immune as stated IP rankings. Many factors can have an effect, one of which is that the natural particles and particles used in the testing laboratory will be different.
For example, high-rated IP cellphones that are declared immune to water cannot be used while swimming on the beach. The reason is, beach and sea salt water has great potential to damage cellphone components because it contains salt. Or cellphones should not be operated while swimming considering that water pressure will be different.
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