Luckily, Apple is quick to act on this issue. From Techradar's report, the big tech company is preparing for improvements in the upcoming software update.

In Apple's internal memo, the company simply said that improvements to battery draining problems would come soon. However, they did not specify the estimated time for repairs.

Until now, no one knows the cause of this problem and how many parties feel the loss from the updatewatchOS 10.1 which was just released at the end of last October.

However, we can see on Apple's Reddit or Official Support Forum that some parties are complaining about battery draining issues. Their smartwatch models also vary, including the Apple Watch Ultra 2.

There is a possibility that this battery waste occurs because of abug. The reason is, Apple has just launched the Tap Two feature in several of Apple's newest models, namely Apple Watch 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2.

Usually, new features often bring fitness problems in their systems. However, not all of the fitness affects the experience. Unfortunately, this fitness problem that occurs in Apple has an impact on its users.

In order not to cause continued disappointment, Apple must immediately address this issue. If not addressed immediately, this battery draining case may continue to be discussed like a row of problems on their mobile device.

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