JAKARTA - Elon Musk shared the latest update from xAI, the Artificial Intelligence startup (AI) he developed. Musk said that xAI will release its first AI model today.

The owner X and Tesla said the first AI model released was only shared with selected groups. However, Musk did not specify what group he meant.

No one knows what kind of AI model the company will release, but Elon Musk claims that xAI's AI will be the best compared to other AI companies for now.

The claim is quite large, but we cannot fully doubt it. The reason is, Musk is one of the founders of OpenAI, the company that built the ChatGPT a few years ago.

After several internal problems emerged, Musk resigned from the board of directors in 2018. However, his enthusiasm for the generative AI technology has not yet been extinguished.

Therefore, Musk built a new startup with the name xAI in the middle of this year. The hope is that this startup can beat many AI developers in the next few years.

Quoting from Reuters, earlier this year Musk said that he would launch AI truth-selecting with the maximum ability that could understand the nature of the universe to rival Google Bard and Microsoft Bing AI.

Although Musk did not explain when this plan would be realized, maybe we can see this AI model soon. Judging from his performance on X, the billionaire always works quickly to realize his dream.

xAI will launch its first AI model today (photo: screenshot of the xAI site)

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