Google should be on trial for the boutitrust case filed by Epic Games and Match Group. Initially, this trial would be held on November 6, but the time was up.

In addition to the trial to be filed, the lawsuit was officially dropped by one of the parties. Now the only one suing Google is Epic Games, a software game developer, because Match Group has withdrawn.

Match Group, the parent company of Tinder, OkCupid, and Hinge, has collaborated with Google. Both have new points of agreement so they cancel all claims to each other.

According to a Briomberg report,Google agreed to return Match's funds worth 40 million US dollars or around Rp638 billion. The funds are kept on the eskro account to cover the cost of the application services as long as their dispute runs.

Meanwhile, Match announced that its application will use the Google User Preferred Collection program. This new policy will be implemented starting at the end of March next year.

Through the Google User's Choice Collection program, all application users from Match Group who want to pay subscription bills can choose the Google payment option or developer.

If the user selects Google as a payment system, Match will pay 15 percent for iterated subscription systems and 30 percent of the revenue from one payment.

However, users who choose payments through alternative developers reduce the amount of costs for Google. Match will pay each subscription to 11 and 26 percent.

For information, Match sued Google last year for violating statutory laws. When they wanted to strike an agreement, Google assured that Match could use its own payment system, but this provision changed.

In the new policy, all developers Android must pay through the Play Store billing system. This policy must be obeyed or Google will delete the application on the Play Store.

After expressing his disapproval, Match joined Epic Games to fight Google. However, in the end Epic Games had to struggle alone as Match and Google deals went well.

Reportedly, Epic Games will play against Google tomorrow to keep its app on the Play Store. Currently, the judge is still waiting for a response from both regarding the use of the jury in decision making.

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