JAKARTA - Wishutama Kusubandio back to his "old job" as Commissioner at Tokopedia. Wishnu left the long position since he served as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.
"I'm back. Thank you very much, bro William @liamtanu and @tokopedia. Hopefully we can advance Tokopedia in digital economic equity in Indonesia", Wishnutama wrote on his personal Instagram account, Monday, February 8.
On the same occasion, Wishnutama said he was happy to be back with Tokopedia. Armed with his experience, he will encourage Tokopedia to equalize the creative economy in Indonesia.
"Especially in terms of empowering local Medium Small Micro Enterprise's (UMKM), which are closely related to the progress of the country's creative economy. I am happy to be able to join Tokopedia and share my experiences to support the company's goals", he said.
As known, before serving as Minister of Creative Economy, Wishnutama had served as Commissioner of Tokopedia. Then resigned on October 21, 2019.
His work is also brilliant for almost 26 years in the creative industry. Wishnutama is also known as the founder of NET Mediatama Televisi and has served as the President Director of Trans TV and Trans 7.
The man who was born on May 4, 1970, also received a lot of praise when he became Creative Director of the 2018 Asian Games Opening and Closing Ceremony for his success in presenting spectacular performances.
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