JAKARTA - 8x8, Inc. (EIGHT) providers of integrated cloud contact centers, integrated communications, and leading Communications Platforms as a Service (CPaas) officially announced the solution of 8x8 Omni Shield.

This solution allows companies to proactively protect their customers from fraudulent SMS activities, as well as help boost business growth by integrating various communication channels, including SMS, voice, chat apps, and video interactions to improve customer experience.

The launch is based on the large number of cases of SMS fraud which, according to the Fraud Loss Survey Report 2021 by the Communications Fraud Control Association, has resulted in a global loss of more than 6.7 billion US dollars (Rp. 102.3 trillion) in 2021.

"To present a solution that completely changes the paradigm of our customers is our main target. We are very pleased with the results obtained from early users for our Omni Shield solution, including a reduction in fraud traffic by 80%," said Stephen Hamill, General Manager, CPaaS 8x8, Inc. in a press conference Tuesday, September 6 in Jakarta.

The 8x8 Omni Shield solution, enriched with a communication API, is seamlessly integrated with real-time messages, across web and mobile applications, and proactively detects and prevents fraudulent activities through fraudulent notification automation, real-time notifications, direct traffic monitoring, and instant phone number checks.

The benefits of the 8x8 Omni Shield solution include:

The 8x8 CPaaS, which includes SMS, voice, chat apps, and video interactions, serves as the main supporter of business communication and customer experience in the growing digital transformation.

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