JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate explained the Indonesia Digital 2021-2024 roadmap. One of them is by evenly expanding the 4G network and services.

This was explained by the Minister of Communication and Information in the DPR Commission I working meeting. Kominfo will build a grassroots communication network through the initiation of public information officers in more than 500 priority Districts including Disadvantaged, Outermost and Frontier (3T) areas

"Construction of 1,682 units of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), especially in the 3T area of Indonesia, the second is the provision of 11,817 internet access in public facilities," Johnny G Plate said in a written statement, Monday, February 1.

Johnny explained that there are four strategic programs of Kominfo which include the provision of technology infrastructure, post and information technology management, technology utilization, and public communication. This is done to accelerate Indonesia's digital transformation.

"The third is land acquisition for the national data center. Including the renewal of the TVRI digital transmitter system in 34 locations to encourage the Digitalization of Television or Analog Switch Off (ASO) process," he added.

For the postal and information technology management program, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology stated that an additional 30Mhz of radio frequency spectrum was already underway to strengthen national digital connectivity.

"This is done as an effort to open space for stakeholders to jointly encourage the realization of Indonesia's digital transformation, in which there are no less than 100 activities carried out," he explained.

In addition, Johnny also explained the roadmap or road map for Digital Indonesia 2021-2024 which is the priority of Kominfo this year. Including the construction of a national data center.

Another priority program is the Personal Data Protection Law (PDP), which in particular in January 2021, a follow-up meeting to discuss the Draft Law (RUU PDP) was held twice between the government and Commission I DPR RI to discuss the material of the List of Issues Inventerization. (DIM) The bill on PDP in the DIM cluster proposed a substance change.

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