YOGYAKARTA - Smart phones in today's era seem to have become organs that cannot be far from us. Remembering how much we need from business interests to the chapter of education. But actually there is a place prohibited from storing cellphones!
Basis Pillow
Often not realized that putting a cell phone on the bottom of a pillow has a big danger. Because, these conditions can increase heat and risk stimulating fires. Moreover, exposure to radiation from cell phones can alert the risk of cancer, such as brain cancer.
Pants Saku
Almost everyone must make the pocket of their pants as a place to put their cellphone. However, this matter is in fact very not recommended. Because, cellphones that are active and stored in your pants pocket can increase their radiation repeatedly. If it continues, this method can stimulate the development of tumors and demean the fertility of men.
The bathroom is one of the places where germs are placed. Not only if you put your cell phone in the bathroom, it is not recommended. This is because germs that land on the surface of your knife can be thrown along one kilometer when taken care of. If you land on your cellphone, the germs will definitely contaminate the human body.
Close To Face
Putting a cell phone close to your face is often done, more or less sleep. Not only can stimulate cancer on the body, in fact putting a cellphone close to the face can move germs from face to phone. Likewise, the germs found on the cellphone can automatically move to the face.
So after knowing where to put a cellphone, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!
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