JAKARTA - The technology research and development team in Ant Group China is developing their own large-lange-Language Model (LLM) model, which is internally called Zhenyi. This was said by a spokesman on Wednesday, June 21 which confirmed reports in Chinese media.
There is no further information regarding the public announcement of this model. But currently Chinese organizations have launched 79 major language models (LLM) domestically in the last three years. This strengthens their efforts to develop artificial intelligence algorithms (Artificial Intelligence/AI), the state-run research institute said in a report last month.
The Large Language Model (Lange-Language Model/LLM) is an artificial intelligence technology used to understand and produce text in human language. LLM is a statistical model built on the basis of a very large amount of text data. The model is trained using machine learning techniques to study patterns and language structures of extensive datasets.
LLM has the capacity to recognize and understand the context in sentences, so it can produce more natural and relevant text. This model can be used for a variety of applications, such as automatic translation, quality text income, answering questions, and more.
In the context of technology development in China, LLM is an important focus because it can provide better language processing capabilities in Chinese. By developing its own LLM, organizations in China can have greater control over this technology and improve language communication and processing capabilities in applications of various fields.
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