JAKARTA - Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) announced on Monday 19 June that it has partnered with the supply chain mapping company and risk analytics, Everstream Analytics. Everstream Analytics will embed artificial intelligence (AI) into this luxury car manufacturer system from England to help prevent future global supply problems.
The new AI technology, said JLR, will allow them to monitor the supply chain in real-time and protect the production of current models as well as the next generation of their electric vehicles (EV).
JLR, a unit of India's Tata Motors, said Everstream technology had allowed them to avoid interference at global shipping ports to deliver vehicles to customers.
"With our collaboration with Everstream Analytics, we are leveraging AI power to proactively manage risks before causing disruption to production," Barbara Bergmeier, JLR's Executive Director of Industrial Operations said in a statement.
The company explains that the technology uses a combination of AI, predictive analytics, machine learning, and human intuition to map emerging incidents, such as natural disasters, strikes, data breaches, and export problems on global maps.
In a post-pandemic world full of supply chain issues, a group of startups and logistics companies have created a billion-dollar industry to implement AI and machine learning in helping businesses minimize disruption.
JLR was hit by a considerable global shortage of semiconductor chips that forced major automakers to limit production of several models. However, in the last two quarters, the automaker managed to re-catch a profit and in the last quarter most recently, JLR accounted for two-thirds of Tata's total revenue.
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