JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) announced that it will start launching the Republic of Indonesia Satellite (SATRIA 1) on June 19, 2023, as an effort to equalize digital infrastructure development throughout Indonesia.

"In the context of equitable development, especially digital infrastructure throughout Indonesia, the Indonesian government will launch SATRIA 1. As an effort to equalize development and inclusive people in the digital economy by providing internet anywhere in this country," said Plt. Minister of Communications and Informatics Mahfud MD at a press conference Tuesday, June 13.

According to the Minister of Communication and Information, this satellite technology will allow internet acceleration in villages that cannot be reached by fiber optic technology in the next 10 years.

"The internet access provided by SATRIA 1 will have a significant impact on people who do not have access or experience inadequate internet quality. Especially in the education sector, health services, regional government offices, and the TNI and Polri," added Mahfud.

Currently, for the provision of SATRIA 1 internet access at public service locations, Kominfo is preparing for the procurement of the Ground Segment, with the hope that later Indonesians can take advantage of the internet capacity provided by SATRIA 1.

"It is hoped that the public can take advantage of SATRIA 1's internet capacity gradually starting January 2024. On this occasion, it is hoped that support and prayers from all Indonesian people will be expected for the successful launch and operation of SATRIA 1," he said.

The launch of the Republic of Indonesia Satellite (SATRIA 1) can be watched live through the Kemenkominfo youtube channel on June 19, 2023, and will then be operational for the public in January 2024.

Regarding the length of the operation distance of SATRIA 1 from the time of launch, Adi Rahman Adiwoso as the President Director of PT Satelit Nusantara Tiga said it would take 145 days until SATRIA 1 could reach orbit.

"So from the launch of June 19, to orbit 145 days in November, then we will test the entire system first so that it can be used at the end of the month, and the service can be used in January," Adi explained.

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