JAKARTA - The coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak is spreading rapidly in China and a number of other countries in Asia. The virus, thought to have originated in the city of Wuhan, has claimed more than five hundred lives in the country of the bamboo curtain.
To overcome this, a number of technology giants in China such as WeChat and QuantumUrban have presented new solutions that help users track areas affected by COVID-19 in the country.
As quoted by the BBC, the Chinese government has launched an application called 'Close Contact Detector'. This application will scan the user's fast data when making payment transactions via the Alipay platform or WeChat social media.
"In China, and throughout Asia, there is data that cannot be seen. As long as it is done transparently, this application can help users to provide effective protection to its users in obtaining information," said the National Health Commission which released the Close Contact Detector application.
The Close Contact Detector application is made by the General Office of the State Council and the China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC). The goal is to find out whether they have had direct contact with an infected person while traveling by plane, train and other transportation.
This is not the first time China has used a technological approach to control the virus which originated in Wuhan, China. Previously, the Bamboo Curtain Country Government also used drones to convey information related to the corona virus to local residents.
Apart from these applications, there are several other applications that can be used to help you track the spread of the corona virus. This is quite useful for those of you who frequently travel abroad.
1. Coronavirus Pro
As the name suggests, this Coronavirus Pro application is based on providing live data via satellite maps. When the user opens the application, it will show statistical data such as COVID-19 deaths, confirmed cases, and the number of recoveries.
Users can scroll the map to see more clearly the red dots that show cases of COVID-19. For more details, users can click on the earth icon at the bottom to view all statistical data by city. It's no surprise that this list is dominated by cities in China. This application is free without ads.

2. MeMeTeo
Actually MeMeTeo is a weather forecast application on iOS about steroids. This app has a slick design with lots of functions. Following the latest issue, the company has offered a new feature, namely a map about COVID-19.
Users can click the COVID-19 map option on the homepage of the application, instantly the map will track COVID-19 live and collect confirmed cases from various sources.
The map provides two graphs to display data in realtime with dates. Users will also find the latest news and developments about COVID-19 in detail. But unfortunately, there is no way to organize news within an area.
The feature can also show weekly or monthly forecasts, predictive maps, pressure measurements, UV index. The user can also change the temperature, wind and pressure parameters from the settings menu. The MeMeTeo application can be downloaded for free, although there will be running ads when operating it.
3. nCoV Tracker
From the list of applications above, the nCoV tracker is the simpler one. The homepage will show you the number of deaths and confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world.
When the user opens the country menu and views data by region. Multiply on the map menu to view the data directly on the map. Unfortunately, this application has no information regarding the integration of updated news about COVID-19.
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