JAKARTA - Online scams are growing by using fake profiles generated by artificial intelligence (AI) technology to steal money from their victims.

According to a DailyMail.com report, in the OnlyFans service, there are models produced by AI, while Tinder's "coach" uses ChatGPT to help their clients get dates. Applications that use AI chat bots to provide users with "friends" are also increasing.

However, love scams carried out by contacting victims via social media or dating apps to start online are still a big threat to many people. They will use very interesting photos of people, such as models or actors, who are found online, then start asking for money from their targets citing daily problems such as damaged cars, medical bills, or other costs.

Cybersecurity experts suggest that the public should be more aware of AI's fake profile. There are several signs that can help recognize whether the profile is fake or genuine, such as seeing hands, teeth, and shadows on AI's fake profile.

According to Martin Cheek, a cybersecurity expert, ChatGPT can be used to create more personal messages that make it easier for people to become victims of online fraud.

"ChatGPT makes it very easy for cybercriminals to disguise themselves as different people without having broad literacy skills," Cheek was quoted as saying, DailyMail.com.

"They can use language models to generate more personal messages and deceive people into being victims of cyber attacks," added Cheek.

Although AI technology is progressing, it still has a deficiency in producing perfect images. One of them, AI cannot produce perfect hands like in humans, the hands generated by AI often don't look appropriate or even look strange. This happens because AI uses palttern-sequences to produce images.

With AI, there are some things that are very difficult to replicate - especially hands. You can sometimes see distortions in your hands, and sometimes they may be too big or have additional fingers," said "Cyril Noel-Tagoe - Main Security Researcher from cybersecurity firm Netacea in the UK.

This online scam is very detrimental. In the United States alone, this love scam has cost US$1.3 billion (Rp19.2 trillion) in 2022. Therefore, if someone asks for money in an online relationship, don't hesitate to avoid it even though the story sounds convincing.

The public needs to be more aware of online fraud and find out more about ways to protect themselves from the threat.

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