JAKARTA - Actress and singer Jamie Lynn Spears criticized how quiet an electric car is when driving. This cannot be separated from the death of his cat who was hit by Tesla.

According to CNN, Jamie Lynn, in a deleted video on her Instagram, said her cat was hit by a Tesla car that was unheard of as it passed. He also mentioned the name of the Tesla CEO, Elon Musk.

"We lost. I do not want to tell you, how many cats are tragic because they did not hear Tesla's voice," said the celebrity who is also Britney Spears' sister.

"Elon Musk, let's find out. You owe me a pair of cats," he added.

Jamie Lynn also wanted Tesla to make annoying noises as he passed, so the animals would step aside. This is to avoid a recurrence of the tragic animal crash.

There has been no response from Tesla regarding this matter. However, rules for having a voice for electric vehicles are already in place in the United States. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from September 2020 required electric cars to make a minimum sound of 43 decibels, when traveling at speeds less than 29.6 miles per hour.

"This standard will help ensure that blind, visually impaired and other pedestrians can detect and recognize nearby hybrid and electric vehicles," NHTSA said in its order.

Meanwhile in Europe, all electric and hybrid vehicle models developed and sold in the European Union must be equipped with an acoustic sound system. This regulation has been in effect since July 2019.

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