JAKARTA - A combination of health agencies and technology companies, including Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle are working on a tool that can be used to detect whether people have been vaccinated or not. This tool is a recording of the COVID-19 vaccination.

People who get vaccinated, need proof to certify that they have been legally vaccinated. This means that those who have been vaccinated only need to show a track record of their respective vaccinations.

The goal is so that various groups can easily access someone's digital vaccination record, so that they can return to their usual activities, such as work, school, or traveling. The coalition of technology and health companies formed an organization called the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI).

"The goal of VCI is to empower individuals to gain digital access to vaccination track records, so that they can use tools like CommonPass to return to travel, work, school and do their daily activities," said Paul Meyer, CEO of TheCommons Project Foundation.

VCI says that processing these credentials uses SMART Health Cards. The plan is for these credentials to be designed so that people can store their immunization data in a digital wallet.

Unfortunately, the VCI did not provide more details regarding when the organization that manages the COVID-19 vaccine can create a track record of vaccinations. Until now it is still unclear when people can add this data to the digital jump, as quoted from TheVerge.

VCI is not the first organization to initiate a digital COVID-19 vaccination record. A similar effort was made by Estonia and WHO, which began developing a digital certificate for COVID-19 vaccination last October.

"As the world recovers from the pandemic, electronic access to vaccinations, testing and other medical records will be essential for people on the go," said Oracle vice president Mike Sicilia.

Launching Endgadget, starting at the end of this month the United States government will ask for evidence of a negative COVID-19 test from passengers who intend to fly internationally. Meanwhile, those who have had the corona virus are required to show proof of a certificate of recovery from the virus.

A number of airports and airlines are testing medical passport applications belonging to the Commons Project, an organization under the auspices of the VCI.

Tourists are allowed to board international airlines if they have tested negative and received confirmation through the CommonPass application as reported by The New York Times.

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